Frequently Asked Questions - This page is sponsored by Soulmate

We are known to be partners on care of hair and skin. Challenges in this area are of great concern to us and we take it upon ourselves to offer sustainable solutions.
Also inspired by the world of fashion, beauty and radiance,we createunique standard through in-built quality products that are designed to offer stipulated values. Soul-mate Hair-care and skin care products have become a name synonymous with integrity and a brand whose devotees have come to know as their soul-mate.
Born from a passion for quality, we manufacture our hair products ourselves, ensuring only the highest quality ingredients go into them. What we leave out are ingredients that aren’t good for you. Left are products that perform and offer hope for women and ‘men’ around the world
Soul-mate hair products are first conceptualized collaboratively by our sales and marketing team, hair stylists and trend advisors. Next, our dedicated in-house research and development team begins the meticulous process of formulating, testing and fine-tuning the products. This process can take up to 12 months and offers the unique benefit of manufacturing ourselves, with complete control over the concept, ingredient choice, formulation and final product. In an industry where in-house manufacturing is increasingly rare, this offers Soul-mate a point of difference from other brands.
A: All three problems are solved with essential oils.
“By applying natural essential oils or treatment oils to your scalp which are embedded in our products e.g. Soulmatehair conditioner plus, hair moisturizer and hair oil, you’ll stimulate the scalp to promote healthier, fuller, shinier hair. If you have dry hair, oils and moisturizers will also tame your strands; if coarse, conditioners will help”.
The first step to gorgeous hair is:
Stop abusing your hair. - Here are several non- abusive / right-way ...things to consider for your hair.Shampoo and condition regularly.The simple act of wetting your hair while shampooing will help hydrate your hair and help to keep your hair and you looking great.
Your shampoo removes the unwanted. Your conditioners job is to put the "good" stuff" back into the hair after a shampoo, in a non-greasy way.
Use a conditioner, Every time you shampoo
If your hair still snarls or if have longer hair, especially those with long fine hair useSoulmate leave-in conditioner with a de-tangle like Soulmate hair oil and a pick to get the final snarls out. Do Not use a brush! Brushing over stretches the snarled hair and ends up stretching and pulling your hair apart. Brushing wet hair may feel like it hurts less but wrecks your hair. Hint-use a detangling product and a pick to avoid this damage.
Do not towel dry your hair by rubbing it with the towel. Think of your hair as the wood the towel as the sand paper. - Instead squeeze the hair in the towel to transfer water from the hair to the towel.
Use a detangling agent to work through tangled wet hair - to protect you hair while detangling. Recommendation: Soul-matehair moisturizer
Then blow-dry your hair.
If your fingers can't stand the heat from your blower neither can your hair. Test the heat from you hair dryer on you finger by holding the heat your finger nails. If it is to hot for your finger nails it is too hot for your hair. Move the dryer back away form you finger nails to determine the proper distance to hold the dryer form your hair while you are drying. Now remember the safe distance and hold your hair dryer further (the safe distance) away from your head to reduce the amount of heat your hair receives from the blow dryer. Drying you hair is a combination of 1-heat, 2-air volume and 3-the time to evaporate the water.
Even if you are in a hurry, never not even once use a flat iron or a curling iron on wet or damp hair. Instead, if you don't have time let your hair dry on the way to work (or your event) and touch it up with the flat iron when you get there and when your hair is dry.
If you use a lot of product on your hair, rinse/wet your hair like you are trying to remove too much shampoo, before you add the soulmate antidandruff shampoo. Most of today's products are water soluble but that does not mean they don't need a good rinsing to remove them from the hair. This is especially true if you do not shampoo regularly(as you have more product-build-up in your hair).
No matter what famous hair stylist tells you, do not use very hot water and or COLD water on your hair, your hair likes tepid (not hot -- not cold). Hint you can use hot or cold on the rest of you just not the hair.
If you use chemicals on your hair as in Color, highlights and or perms, yes you are doing some damage. F you do not have fine might get away with shampooing every other day. Sorry, if you have fine hair and either do not want your hair to look flatter than a pancake and or greasy, Shampoo & Condition every day.
Why? Because it cleans fine hair when fine hair is not shampooed, it loses it's bounce.
Cosmetologists and medics agree that regular and frequent hair shampooing is completely normal. When you shampoo, you are not just washing your hair but also the skin on your scalp beneath your hair. Many people overlook this fact. This is why we recommend applying your antidandruff shampoo to your scalp (the skin on your head underneath your hair) first. You should shampoo your head twice using a lesser amount of shampoo, usually by half, on the second shampooing. Use the cushion tips of your fingers to massage your scalp while shampooing is a vital step in the hair cleaning process. When you massage your scalp you stimulate the scalp and help breakup product build up and dead cells on the scalp. When you use the cushion tips of your fingers (instead of your fingernails or a scratchy shampoo brush) you avoid causing dandruff as you are NOT damaging your scalp with your fingernails or your shampoo brush. The removal of buildup also encourages hair growth. Another common mistake people make when shampooing is using water that is very hot. Hot showers can be good for many things, but they are not good for your scalp. Using water that is too hot can actually cause scalp to flake, creating dandruff. If you love hot showers, first shower in warm (not hot) water to wash your hair, when you're done with your hair you can turn the water up as much as you'd like.
Note: If you are experiencing dry skin on other parts of your body and you just love "hot showers," the hot water temperature may be contributing to your dry-skin problems. Think about it. If you were a skin cell would you like to be par boiled every morning in the shower? So if you are experiencing dry skin and/or flaking scalp problems, throttling the shower temperature back from hot to the warm may be your answer. Hint - measure the shower temperature on the inside of your forearm just like a mother checking the temperature of the liquid in a baby's bottle before giving the baby the formula. The inside of your forearm will give you a more accurate "feel" for the actual temperature of the shower water, than your unprotected hands or the outside unprotected area of the forearm.
Nearly everyone experiences a normal amount of hair loss on a daily basis. It's part of nature. Whether a few strands come out in your brush, or in your fingers in the shower. It's just part of life. Clients who have experienced hair breaking off too soon found they could reduce or stop the early breakage using Soulmate Bergamot cream and Soulmate antidandruff shampoo. Some people have really unhealthy hair that is badly damaged if this is you,then apply Soulmate herbal hair-grow. Maybe your hair was damaged from over coloring, over processing, or heat styling without protection. This type of damage can cause a lot of breakage and promote split ends. Split ends are basically your hair splitting up the shaft and eventually breaking off. If you've heard people complain about their hair not growing past a certain point, this is probably the cause. This is also the reason people say you need to trim your hair to make it grow. That's not really the way it works. But by trimming your split ends, you prevent the hair from splitting farther up the shaft and breaking...thus helping your hair to "grow"...because it is healthier.
Hair grows an average of 1/2 an inch per month. There is NO cream that will make your hair grow, much less as fast as you want it to grow. Try taking some Vitamin E. We've heard from several people that when taking Vitamin E their hair grows faster (by about half an inch) and appears to be stronger. Other than that, just keeping your hair healthy and moisturized will help it to grow as much as it can. Shampoo and condition, use a Soulmate herbal hair grow at least twice a week. Just take care and your hair will do it’s thing. At best you're looking at 1/2 an inch to a full inch per month
Oiling your hair before shampooing won't do anything. Any goodness your hair may be getting from the oil is washed away when you shampoo. You can apply Soulmate leave-in hair conditioner after you shampoo and condition. You can apply the oil (we like Soulmate Hair Oil) to damp hair and style as usual. That's one option. You should invest in a good deep conditioner, aka weekly conditioning treatment. There are several out there, but we recommend theSoulmate Hair Conditioner Plus. It makes hair smooth, soft, shiny, and it's affordable. The place to really start with healthy hair is your Soulmate antidandruff shampoo/ Soulmate neutralizing shampoo and Soulmate rinse-off conditioner. But most of all your help will come fromnot using oil before washing your hair, but applying Soul-mate Hair Oil as a work-in leave on de-tangle
Hair grows, on average, 1/2 an inch per month. The growth rate of your hair is dependent upon your hair getting all the things it needs to grow, like vitamins and nutrients, and your basic rate of metabolism. So believe it or not the more active you are, the faster your hair grows. A healthy body equals healthy, faster growing hair.
You need to shampoo your hair regularly. Shampooing the hair removes dirt, oils, pollutions, styling products, etc from the hair and scalp which, obviously, helps to keep the hair healthy. If you're worried about your hair being damaged from shampoo, use a better quality shampoo. Also, when shampooing, you should be massaging your scalp, which stimulates blood flow, which promotes hair growth.
On the matter of trimming your hair to "make it grow": trimming your hair does not make your hair grow! It makes it shorter! Hello!? Trimming your hair helps remove dull, splitting ends. This helps keep your hair healthy, and helps it to break less often. A lot of people will think that their hair has simply stopped growing. The reality is that your hair is still growing, it just keeps breaking off at the end. Make sure you use a good hair conditioner and probably a deep conditioning enriching cream (such as Soulmate herbal hair grow)every other week, or every week if your hair is really damaged.
Brushing your hair damages your hair. If you have a brush, throw it away! You should be using a good enough conditioner, and if that isn't enough, a de-tangler/leave-in conditioner. If you are doing this, then you should be able to detangle your hair with your fingers. If not, use a wide tooth comb to get the tangles out. Brushes simply damage, and damaged hair causes breaking of the hair which prevents your hair from growing. Using Soulmate Hair oil as de-tangler or Soulmate leave-in conditioner can save your hair leaving it gorgeous and easy to manage.
Applying Shea butter to hair attracts moisture to the hair as it is a moisturizing agent. This is not good for you when relaxing as this makes your scalp to be wet which can cause a burning sensation before relaxer application is due.
Before relaxer application (Soulmate relaxer), you can base your hair with petroleum jelly or any good hair protective cream such as Soulmatehair conditioner plus and/ Soulmate Bergamot cream for scalp shielding or protection.