NASHCO Members

  • SOLUTION TO PROFESSIONAL PROBLEMS: Various individuals as various time may be confronted with problems that may be simple or complicated in the profession. Your membership of the NASHCO entitles you to free professional advises and assistance.
  • PERIODICAL LECTURES/WORKSHOP: Zonal Seminars, Lectures and Workshops are arranged periodically by experts in various fields of the profession free for members aimed at sharpening their skill and enriching their experience. These experts are arranged from within and outside the country.
  • FRATERNAL FEELINGS: There is common sharing of sympathy of joy with members, relating to cash and donations from the Association as the occasion may warrant. For cash donation it should always be a handsome amount
  • CHARGES & FEES: Streamling and harmonizing charges on patronage and commercial viability depending on various zones.
  • COMPETITION: There will be periodical competition organized on both zonal and State level on members. This is aimed at raising standards and case/equipment rewards for winners.
  • NASHCO CO-OPERATIVE SHOP: In each zone of the Association, it will be established co-operatives shops and showrooms where members could buy quality products and equipment. As co-operatives are advised and encourage by the Federal and State Governments, it makes it easier either importing or getting direct from local manufacturers. Such co-operatives are strictly for members only, you can buy with your membership identity card.
  • PARTIES AND SOCIAL GET-TOGETHER: There will be either yearly of accessional get-together parties for members with their families and friends.
  • CONFERENCE: There are many parts of the world. Your membership could easily earn you a ticket to represent the Association and Nigerian as a whole.
  • LABOUR SUPPLY: The Association is well placed to help members who need well equipped and experience people as workers like weavers, stylist etc. This is if a request is made and this is free. It saves you money instead of Advertising in the papers.
  • LICENCE: : Apart from your professional Certificate/Diploma and your membership certificate and identity card, the Association has the Government backing. Licence must be issued before and is allowed to open a Salon, like is done in Britain, U.S.A. and in all the advanced countries of the world. No more, the question of anybody at anytime opening up anything and calling it a salon. Your membership may give you automatic qualification for this.
  • NOTEWELL: Concluding, it must be emphasized here that all the programmes of the Association must be carried out A-Z since it is the experts themselves handling the Association. For this reason you should not delay your enrolment. You are also advised to file your membership benefits (These sheets) so as to know your entitlements.

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