• Objectives:
  • To establish a code of conduct and salon etiquette to guide members and students alike in their every-day activities
  • To promote creative and friendly atmosphere between hairdressers all over the country.
  • To help hairdressers to keep a standard of proficiency.
  • To inform members about the fashion trends in other parts of the world and to act as information bureau for the members.
  • To obtain co-operation from hairdressing products and Cosmetics Manufacturer of their representatives of equitable pricing and other worthy purposes such as the prevention of the fake use of containers
  • To prevent this country from being used as a dumping ground for hairdressing products and cosmetics rejected elsewhere.
  • To ensure that distributing companies have qualified cosmetologist
  • To ensure that hairdressing or beauty product manufacturers or their representatives run only orientation courses and not hairdressing schools as such, as they will only tend to turn out one way students. Such orientation
  • Hairdressers for the purpose of acquainting themselves with + nature and uses of the products. To discourage skin bleaching.


Among other objectives, NASHCO wants to use the Festival to sensitise, streamline and regulate the practice of the profession and to rally round members to achieve a common goal, such as having easy access to loan, create employment for the majority of our people at the grassroots and urban areas. To parley with interest groups in the beauty and make-up industry and promote best practices as obtains elsewhere.

Shortly, the swearing in of the National Executives of NASHCO, the Task Force and Board of Cosmetologists would take place and then the march past and hair parades by a contingent of the over 500,000 strong membership drawn from the 36 States of the federation and Abuja with Lagos alone accounting for over 20,000 members.

Awards would also be given to deserving personalities, among them, the President of Federal Republuc of Nigeria, Dr. Goodluck Jonathan-GCFR, and the First Lady, Dame (Dr.) Patience Jonathan who will be receive the highest honour of Grand Patron and Grand Matron of NASHCO.

Again join us at our Award Night and Fund-Raising Dinner later tomorrow when we recognize and appreciate individuals and groups who have contributed to the growth of the industry and for those we describe as pillars of democratic governance. The fund Raising Dinner is meant to build a befitting edifice or NASHCO National Secretariat Complex.

Finally it is worthy of note that the Nigerian Association of Hairdressers and Cosmetologists, as the name implies, is an umbrella group of all hairdressers, cosmetologists and beauty therapists in Nigeria founded in the year, 1978 with Dr. (Mrs.) Elizabeth A.Osinsanya, OON, the Visionary as its first President with headquarters in Lagos

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